Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Tips & Tricks #2: How to organize your cards?

There is no wrong way to organise your cards, every way is good. But at the end of the day these are your cards. But I have seen this subject come up a lot on forums.

How I organise my PC cards

Has some of you might know I collect Claude Giroux and I have over 75+ PC cards. I like to try to complete rainbows, so I like to keep all the cards together. I organise them like this:

Oldest to Newest- Year - Set

So that way you keep them altogether and it makes it easy to find the cards you want to find.

How I Protect my PC Cards

You can put all your PC cards in one touches and team bags, but that could cost a lot of money. I do not put my Giroux PC in one touches because I don't have the money. I store my cards in 1,600 count cardboard storage boxes because they are very durable. I protect my cards in penny sleeves, top loaders and team bags.

How I protect my Traders

You want your traders protected because you don't want to send your cards damaged. I protect my traders with penny sleeves and top loader. I store them like PC in a 1,600 count cardboard storage boxes and they sorted like this:

Autograph, Patch's, Jersey Cards, #rd Rookie, Rookie, #rd Insert, Insert

So these are just some way you can organise your cards, I hope you enjoyed this week Tips & Tricks.


  1. I organize TRADE by Patches to jerseys to autos to rookies and inserts. For PC i do Team bag Cards, then one touch cards, then patches, jerseys, autos.


  2. I have all my mems and autos organized in top loaders in one huge box alphabetically by product (A-artifacts to Z-zenith) and then by year (latest in front). I have all my inserts worth $5 or more in top loaders organized the same way in a separate box. All my cards worth $100 or more (or just sick patch autos) are in one touch magnetic cases (no team bags) in their own box. All base of good players (I think are good anyways) are in binders organized by team. Shitty base is stored in shoe boxes organized by product in no particular order, except most valuable cards in front. Oh yeah, rookie cards worth $5 or more are in toploaders organized the same way as mems, autos, and inserts, but in their own box.


  3. I organize my traders by jersey, auto, patch, rookie, insert... same goes for pc. This way its organized and easy to get too.

